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Sea Alive Profile

Sea Alive

Phone: 704 575-1356

The Sea Alive website promoted the company and its product product distribution as an opportunity to capitals in teh growing trend of the wellness industry.

The company site also provided a specific discplaimer: "DISCLAIMER: These products and/or statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. Sea Alive and/or SEA ALIVE USA, INC. assumes no responsibility or liability for any claims (written or oral) made by it's distributors, customers, employees, supporters, assigns, agents, owners or investors."

UPDATE: According to an email from AJ Gerard on March 12. 2009, the company Sea Alive "is no longer existent".

*Steve Curtin has advised Npros via email that he is no longer the administrative contact for the Sea Alive domain. Steve Curtin also advised us that he is no longer Executive Director and that George Hoagland is no longer Director of Field Communication & Compliance. Steve Curtin resigned and transferred Sea Alive completely to A.J. Gerard to pursue other opportunities. George Hoagland resigned from Sea Alive to become the President of Vitagenex however he is no longer listed as President of Vitagenex. Steve Price is now listed as the acting President of VitaGenex. George Hoagland is now also pursuing other opportunities.

Original Domain Registrant
Steve Curtin
2127 Beatties Ford Rd #16650
Charlotte NC 28216
Sea Alive, Inc.

Current Domain Registrant:
Sea Alive
6420 Rea Road, Ste 382
Charlotte, North Carolina 28277
United States
Registered through: All Pro Seals

Administrative Contact:
Gerard, AJ
Sea Alive
6420 Rea Road, Ste 382
Charlotte, North Carolina 28277
United States

Sea Alive Owners, Executives and Executive Consultants

A.J. Gerard, Co-Owner - Executive Director of Operations & Administration*

Founding Executives (no longer with company)*:
Steve Curtin, Co-Owner - Executive Director of Sales & Marketing*
George Hoagland – Director of Field Communication & Compliance*

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Sea Alive Products and Product Reviews Product Line: Nutritionals

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