Zeek Rewards BBB Rating

BBB letter grades represent the BBB’s opinion of a business based on the information it has about the business. Zeek Rewards is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and has a rating of F on a scale of A+ to F. The reasons for Zeek Rewards’ F rating are the number of complaints filed against it and the fact that BBB does not have sufficient background information on Zeek Rewards. During the last 12 months, BBB had 18 complaints against Zeek Rewards. The majority of the complaints were related to billing/collection issues and problems with products/services.

Please note: the Better Business Bureau is a for-profit entity and not a government agency. Businesses are under no obligation to seek accreditation by the BBB, and the BBB’s rating of a company may change over time. Consumers seeking information on company BBB ratings should check the BBB website for the most current information.

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